Leaving for College: An Experience In Taylor Swift Song Titles

By Lauren Green

AUGUST rolled around the corner faster than anyone anticipated. As summer wrapped up, school-related errands kicked into high gear. For me, a college freshman, this had never been more true.

Leaving for college is often a bittersweet time for both parents and students. Parents may wish their child would NEVER GROW UP. And the soon-to-be-on-their-own college kid must put on a FEARLESS face. But when you are first heading to college, it feels like only yesterday that you were just FIFTEEN, and now you’re packing up to BEGIN AGAIN.

I WISH YOU WOULD just stick to a shopping list,” my mom said, as we ran around town, grabbing up last-minute dorm supplies I never even knew I needed. (Think air-purifier, dehumidifier, clothes drying rack…to name a few.)

As the day loomed when I had to say my good-byes, my friends made sure I had THE BEST DAY. We sat on blankets watching the sunset, and I felt this PEACE come over me. I knew no matter how far away I traveled, I would always have these TIMELESS friends in my corner.

The day we headed out to my university, a nervous feeling I had come to know ALL TOO WELL took over, as I counted down the hours I had left with my family.

With my belongings piled in my dorm room, I watched my parents drive away and thought, EVERYTHING HAS CHANGED. I was in a new city, with potential new friends surrounding me, but I would always have the backbone of my family and friends back home, regardless of the miles between us.

So LONG STORY SHORT, when you go to college, YOU’RE ON YOUR OWN, KID. But ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR, you’ll have a whole squad of GORGEOUS new people cheering you on. And they will help you live your WILDEST DREAMS.

Lauren Green is currently a graduate student pursing a master’s degree in advertising at The University of Texas at Austin. A 2022 graduate of The University of Oklahoma, she holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism and also works as a political reporter in Washington, D.C.

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